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Creative Community Cafe

heal in community



Welcome to Creative Community Cafe! An in-person open studio located in Huntsville, ON for women to come and create in the evenings freely and connect with others. It's hard to form connections and friendships in adulthood. This is a relaxed environment where you can come and create, drink tea, chat and connect with others and have fun!



Date: Friday evenings March 7th-March 28th
Time: 6pm-8pm

Structure: Registration required ahead of time 
Cost: $25
Location: 51 Main Street East, Unit #4


Anchor 1

Why attend an art therapy workshop or group?

Some benefits to art therapy include: 
Self expression 
Connection with others
Brings insight to experiences
Self-mastery and empowerment
Gives voice to experiences


Exploring identity
Non-verbal alternative
Sensory and kinaesthetic experience
Giving space to your emotions
Encourages problem solving
Teaches self-regulation


we heal in


The Studio


What to Expect


The studio is located in Downtown Huntsville on the upper floor. Please find your way to room #4 where you will be joined by myself, an art therapist and other participants. You can expect tea, music, and an abundance of materials.

The intention of this group is to be less guided to provide opportunity for creative inspiration, however, prompts will be given each week to help with any feelings of stuckness. 

This group is drop in style, meaning that you can come anytime between the time of 6pm or 8pm to suit your schedule. Maybe you want to come for the full 2 hours to spend time with yourself and community creating or maybe you just have a little bit of time to come and create, all is welcome. 

You can expect to make a mess with materials, and not have to clean it up! The goal of this group is to have a place for people to find a community to connect with each other. I believe that we need more spaces like this in our communities and I am happy to be able to provide one!




Register now to reserve your spot!
There is a limit of 8 people per session.

There are currently 4 sessions available in the month of March, you can register for 1 or register for all four. Book online and send payment via e-transfer.

Payment Policies
Payment is made via e-transfer to Your registration is not complete until payment has been sent. Your registration will be cancelled if payment has not been sent within 24 hours of online registration. There are no refunds within 48 hours of workshop start time. There are no refunds for no-shows. 


Want to see more?

If you're interested in seeing more art therapy, anxiety, burnout and compassion based content, I regularly post on Instagram and TikTok @birchwoodarttherapy! See you there!

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